Friday, September 3, 2010

Long time no see or read...:)

Well it has been almost a year since I have posted. I don't know why I haven't, I guess I just didn't feel the need.

Not much has changed in our life since then. Blake is now 3. This is an awesome age. We have gotten through a lot with him and we were successfully potty trained before his 3rd birthday. He is such a joy in our lives. I never knew what it felt like to have a part of myself away from me all the time. I miss him alot when I am at work. I wish I could stay home with him but I know that our family needs us to work and I know that he doesn't love me any less.

My husband decided to be a poultry farmer...... yeah. We are raising chickens, quail and pigeons. We are selling chicken eggs. It is fun for Blake to learn about it and I have grown to like it too. Mike didn't quit his day, he just added to the fun! :)

We are waiting on God to maybe let us have another baby. If its not in His will then thats ok, but I would really love to have another baby.

I am going to try to update more often! I will at least once a week!

Talk to you soon blog world!